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27 octombrie 2006
Poze de la intalnirea de joi 26.10.2006
Fotografii din seara de 26.10.2006, o intalnire a Clubului Fumatorilor de Pipa unde s-au adunat in jur de 10 persoane. Am fumat pipa, am discutat, ne-am simtit bine si plecat fericiti spe casele noastre asteptand o noua intalnire.
26 octombrie 2006
Intalnirea de azi 26.10.2006
22 octombrie 2006
Am primit saptamana trecuta tutunurile comandate la ....inafara de faptul ca marfa a costat 22 EUR si transportul 25 EUR nu au fost alte surprize neplacute. Transportul a a juns intr-o saptamana de la comanda, tutunurile sunt excelente si nici nu am avut probleme cu vamesul cu toate ca erau toate bulk.
Am comandat 4 uncii de 1Q (excelent),
2 uncii de Golden Canedish,(nu am fumat deocamdata)
2 uncii de Black Cavendish (excelent)
2 uncii de Maraschino Cherry (nu am fumat dar Oleg spune ca inteapa)
2 uncii de Vanilla Cake(nu am fumat deocamdata)
Tot saptamana trecuta am primit prin Costin (ii multumesc pe aceasta cale) tutun adus din duty free:
100gr Mac Baren Vanilla Cream (nici urma de aroma de vanilie....a se compara cu Olanta - Danish Black Vanilla sau cu Skandinavik Vanilla de la Orlik tobaccos)
100gr Danske Club - Black Luxury (Care luxury? Are gust de tutun comun, era mai bun un Captain Black Royal)
50gr Davidoff - Red Mixture (ok dar cam tare)
50gr Davidoff - Blue Mixture (mai bun decat Red Mixture)
Pe scurt: Dati banii pe:
1Q (cel mai adevarat tutun),
Black Cavendish (usor, parfumat, nu inteapa, se fumeaza excelent),
Davidoff Blue mixture (intr-adevar Cool Mixture cum era numit inainte, are si o cutiuta frumoasa in acre poti tine apoi "1Q" facut de Lane Limited:))
Uncia de tutun (28,34gr) la este in jur de 1,9 USD (taxe postale pana la 5000gr= 26,95 USD!!!
16 octombrie 2006
Cognacul si vinul
12 octombrie 2006
Local nou, Andreea, meteo, joi 12
2) Andreea este printre noi! De cateva zile, Andreea Rucareanu, sora Ralucai, este mebra pe Yahoo group. Ii uram "Bun venit!" si o asteptam in continuare alaturi de noi. Ma bucur sa vad ca putem apropia si persoane de sex feminin de pasiunea noastra; pipa.
3) Meteo, este un fel de a spune. Dupa ce toata vara ne-am cam chinuit dib=n cauza umiditatii, se pare ca vremea a devenit favorabila fumatului pipei. Ieri am iesit sa plimb Caniche-ul si am avut placuta surpriza de a putea fuma pipa pana la sfarsit fara a ramane urme umede in ea.....poate si tutunul a fost mai uscat dar am fumat 30 de minute fara a reaprinde pipa, am terminat-o asa cum am indesat-o (packed) de la inceput, nefiind nevoie sa ating tutunul cu futacul....
4) Nu uitati ca este joi. Va astept in numar cat mai mare la restaurantul turcesc.
....Sa fumati bine!
Ceai Greenfield
How to brew tea?
Ask this question to a true tea connoisseur and he will tire you with an endless story about the stages of boiling water and methods of putting tea leaves into a teapot with special circular motions.
In fact all these fine details that turn a rather simple task of brewing tea into a long and complicated procedure contribute to the improvement of tea flavour so little that only professional tea tasters can discern the difference. To enjoy your cup of tea it is enough to follow just several simple yet important rules.
As it is known water boils at 100°С. However, this is not an instant process because the lower layers of water in a kettle are heated faster. Small bubbles appear in these layers that together with the hot water rise to the surface and mix with the upper "colder" layers of water. At this stage a kettle usually produces quite a lot of noise or "sings".
The Chinese call this state of boiling water "white spring". The "white spring" water at the temperature of 85-90°С is optimal for brewing tea. At the same time one should remember that green tea is more sensitive to water temperature than black tea which you can brew after boiling water in you kettle (it is enough just to cool it down a bit).
At this point it should also be noted that in many places it is not recommended to drink tap water. So if you plan to brew tea with "white spring" you should first get bottled drinking water (obviously it should not be either mineral or sparkling water).
Dry Tea Leaves
The following rule is generally accepted regarding the amount of dry tea leaves that should be put into a brewing pot: one teaspoon per cup and an additional one "for the brewing pot". It is also worth mentioning that if you brew tea for quite a few people and plan to add some water to the infusion after it is poured into the cups you should put more tea - approximately by 20% - into the pot. As large leaf tea brews slower it is recommended to put one more spoon of dry tea when you brew this kind of tea.
It goes without saying that tea should be put into the pot first and then poured over with water. However, first of all one should warm up the brewing pot itself - it can be done either with hot water or on a kitchen oven.
Brewing time
Brewing time depends mainly on the grade of tea. As it has been mentioned earlier large leaf grades require longer brewing time. Besides that different people prefer different strength of tea. For this reason it is impossible to recommend exact brewing time. Instead, one should be guided by recommendations on the package and individual preferences. However, it is important to note that brewing time for green tea as a rule is two times less than for black tea. This is a rather important notion to keep in mind as green tea is more sensitive to brewing period than black tea and often becomes bitter if left to infuse longer than recommended.
Adding milk to tea
The idea to add milk to tea first came to Europeans. First records about the positive effects of tea with milk date back to XVII century. It is quite possible that the tradition to add milk to tea was copied from the similar trend to drink coffee that was very popular in those times.
It is believed that accordingly to the oldest tradition one has to pour milk into the cup first and only afterwards add tea. This rule is believed to have come from the fear that hot tea might damage the thin porcelain cups. However, later there appeared the followers of the exactly opposite theory stating that tea should go into cup first. Obviously that milk does not go well either with lemon or bergamot. Also one should not add milk to green tea and Chinese grades of black tea.
08 octombrie 2006
Joia trecuta am putut incerca ....tot de la Cristi: Non Plus Ultra de la Dan Tobaccos (CAO). Eu l-am cotat intre "1Q" si "Top Hat". 1Q este mai placut chiar decat "WO Larsen Fresh and Elegant"
"" spune despre acest tutun:
"This modern masterpiece is a model of times past. This blend consists of a "Ready Rubbed" Virginia blend with a mild sweetness and a full Virginia flavor. The various Virginia tobaccos have been fermented under pressure and matured in its own juices. The tobacco has an aroma, which is somewhat fruity, but this is not a cased, aromatic tobacco. The maturation of the tobacco in its own juices provides this unique taste and aroma. The Non Plus Ultra's mild smoke is smoclay and cool. The ash is even and clean."
"Tobacco reviews" reproduce descrierea producatorului: "A mixture of selected Golden Virginia leaf tobacco processed to provide a cool and mild smoke. This is not a cased blend."... Trebuie sa repet ca reviewurile de pe acest site sunt subiective. Un tutun care mie mi-a parut peste medie, are 7 reviewuri din care 6 de 1 stea si un review de 3 stele....fiecare cu gustul lui. Cele mai bine documentate reviewuri la tutun imi par cele din revista "Pipes & Tobaccos", facute de un specialist care descrie foarte bine tutunul, aroma si senzatiile oferite de acesta in functie de pipa in care a fost fumat.
07 octombrie 2006
A aparut numarul de toamna a celebrei reviste "Pipes". Cuprinsul il puteti citi aici
Seturi saptamanale de pipe: click aici
Review-uri la urmatoarele tutunuri: Sunjammer, Old Tartan, Virginia Spipce, Old Companion, Anniversary Kake: click aici
La intalnirea din data de 05.10.2006 au fost prezenti: Andreea, Laura, Gaby, Adi, Cristi, Oleg si Dan.