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Mac Baren se pregateste sa lanseze in luna mai a acestui an amestecul denumit HH Highland Blend. Descrierea de pe cutie este urmatoarea:
Fully matured Virginias, Ready Rubbed Burleys, Latakia and a touch of Fire-cured Cavendish is the recipe. We added one of the worlds finest 30-year old Scotch whiskies, Glenfarclas. The natural flavours from the tobacco and the delightful taste of the Scotch marry perfectly, so when smoked you experience the mellow taste and subtle smoky note of the tobaccos combined with the overtone of a fine scotch. The pouch has a graphic that denotes a strength rating of "3". I asked Mac Baren for clarification on this, and they replied; "Concerning the strength 3, this means it is one of our more "stronger" blends. 1 is the mildest and 3 is the strongest we use. The strength [measurement] is a mix of both nicotine satisfaction and taste."
Pana cum 5 ani a existat si Mac Baren Highland Mixture. Intrebat despre diferentele dintre Highland Mixture si Highland Blend, Per Jensen, Product Specialist si purtator de cuvant la Mac Baren a spus:
"The difference between Highland Mixture and Highland Blend is the following. We took the great idea from the Highland Mixture (the topping with a 30 year old Glenfarclas, Latakia and the mix of Virginias, Burleys and the Cavendish), however I have adjusted the blend a bit. The result is a slightly more smoky taste (more Latakia which goes excellent with the whisky) and I have reduced the irritation by changing some Virginias and replacing them with some excellent Burleys."
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