In aceasta seara am primit pe mail o invitatie la expozitia cluburilor de pipa vernisata la Muzeul Pipelor si Tutunului din Harelbeke Belgia. Mai jos aveti invitatia:
Dear Stefan Dinescu-Craciun,
I would like to inform you that on 26. April 2009 an exhibition about Pipe Smoker Clubs opens at the Museum for Pipe & Tobacco, Harelbeke (Belgium).
The first part highlights pipe smoking and pipe smoking competitions. The second part gives an overview of Belgian and International Pipe Smoking Clubs, each with the history, the pipes which are used, logo, gadgets,...
You can visit the exhibition until 1. September 2009 during the opening hours of the Museum for Pipe & Tobacco:
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10.00 am till12.00 pm - 2.00 pm till 5.00 pm
- Saterday and Sunday: 2.00 pm till 5.00 pm
Groups can make a reservation with the tourist office to visit outside the normal opening hours.
- adults: 2,00 EUR
- groups (from 20 persons), children younger than 12 years: 1,75 EUR
- teachers card, children younger than 6 years: free
You can combine a visit to the exhibition with the other musea and other places of interest in Harelbeke. For more information you can contact the tourist office:
Marktstraat 100,
8530 Harelbeke (Belgium)
Tel: +32(0)56 733 470
Fax: +32(0)56 733 474
Belgium is really worth seing ! A visit to Belgium combines art, culture and good cuisine. The art cities like Bruges (the Venice of the North), Ghent (Mediaevel city), Brussels (capital of Belgium and the European Union), Antwerp (one of the largest ports in the world), Leuven (Mediaevel city with famous College), Liège (Mediaevel city) are famous. Belgium is also enjoying good life with many nice restaurants, Belgian beer, Belgian chocolates,...
If you would like to combine a visit to the exhibition with a visit to Belgium, you can contact me:
Koning Leopold III-plein 32
8530 Harelbeke (Belgium)
Tel: +32(0)56 753066
Kind regards
Sandra Anthony
President Museum Committee
Belgium is really worth seing ! A visit to Belgium combines art, culture and good cuisine. The art cities like Bruges (the Venice of the North), Ghent (Mediaevel city), Brussels (capital of Belgium and the European Union), Antwerp (one of the largest ports in the world), Leuven (Mediaevel city with famous College), Liège (Mediaevel city) are famous. Belgium is also enjoying good life with many nice restaurants, Belgian beer, Belgian chocolates,...
If you would like to combine a visit to the exhibition with a visit to Belgium, you can contact me:
Koning Leopold III-plein 32
8530 Harelbeke (Belgium)
Tel: +32(0)56 753066
Kind regards
Sandra Anthony
President Museum Committee