09 februarie 2010

Pipe Smoking Day in Bucuresti

"Molia", membru al Pipa Club Bucuresti, ne-a trimis o invitatie pentru a sarbatori impreuna "Pipe Smoking Day":
"Pe 20 Februarie e Ziua Internationala a Piparilor, asa ca vom avea o intalnire extraordinara (a se citi non-vineri-lunara) cu aceasta ocazie. Daca nu coincide cu vreun plan al colectivului piparilor din Constanta, orice membru care poate si vrea sa ajunga prin Bucuresti la o fumata e binevenit."
Multumim pentru invitatie si speram sa o onoram in numar cat mai mare si sa avem A2 deblocata pana atunci.

07 februarie 2010

20 Februarie

Dragii mei va propun o intalnire pr data de 20 februarie 2010, Ziua Internationala a Fumatului de Pipa. Vom degusta tutun si daca doriti, putem organiza un mic concurs ca pe vremuri. Astept pe mail propuneri pt locul de intalnire.

Evenimente 2010

2010 St. Louis Pipe Show

The St. Louis Pipe Club will host the 22nd annual Gateway Area Pipe Show and Swap on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Heart of St. Charles Banquet Center, 1410 S. Fifth St., St. Charles, MO 63301. Lodging for the event may be found at Quality Inn & Suites at 1425 S. Fifth St., St. Charles, MO 63301; phone: 636.946.6936. Make a reservation and mention the show by Jan. 20 to receive a special room rate of $65. Smoking is welcome at both locations. For information, contact Jay Milton at 56 Glen Echo, Glen Carbon, IL 62034; phone: 618.288.2090; or Bob Callaway at 220 Pralle Lane, St. Charles, MO 63303; phone: 636.946.8555.

Show Flyer
International Pipe Smoking Day (ISPD)

February 20th has again been designated this year as International Pipe Smoking Day. Please click on http://www.IPSD.EU for more information regarding this event.

As you will see there, the ISPD goal is simple and straight forward: pipe smokers around the globe will unite by lighting up together that day - to celebrate the noble art of pipe smoking and the close fraternity of briar lovers across all borders. A world wide communion of pipe smokers!

2010 New York Pipe Show
18th Annual New York Pipe Convention

Saturday, Mar 13, 2010, 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM

550 Us Highway 1 and 9
Newark, NJ 07114


Show Flyer


2010 Raleigh Pipe Show
The Triangle Area Pipe Smokers (TAPS) will host the 13th annual TAPS Pipe and Tobacco Expo on Saturday, April 10th 2010, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in the Governor James G. Martin Building, Raleigh, N.C. For more information contact TAPS at 919.848.0685; e-mail:pipechief@nc.rr.com; Web site:www.tapsclub.us.

Show Flyer


2010 Chicago Pipe Show
The Chicagoland Int’l Pipe & Tobacciana Show

Pre-Show Dates:
April 28, 29 & 30 (Wed, Thurs & Fri)

Show Dates:
May 1 & 2 (Sat & Sun)

Post Show:
May 3 (Mon)

Show Flyer

Official Show Site

Pheasant Run Resort

Videos from Chicago Pipe Show 2009


2010 Milwaukee Pipe Show
The Milwaukee Area Pipe Society (MAPS) will host its 10th Annual Pipe Show/Swap on Saturday, June 19, 2010, at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center, Airport, 5311 Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207. Contact the hotel at 414.481.2400 for reservations, mentioning the show for special room rates. For complete show information, contact the Milwaukee Area Pipe Society at P.O. Box 174, Elm Grove, WI 53122-0174; Web site:www.milwaukeeareapipesociety.com; or contact Tom Pellowski attpellowski@wi.rr.com.

Show Flyer


2010 Kansas City Pipe and Tobacco Show
Saturday / Sunday June 26 & 27, 2010

Holiday Inn
11728 N. Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, MO 64153


Show Flyer


IPCPR 78th Annual Convention and International Trade Show
(Trade Only)
August 9 - 13, 2010
Ernest N Morial Convention Center
New Orleans LA


"2010 Columbus Pipe Show" - NASPC 2010 Swap/Sell Show, Columbus, OH

Aug. 28, 2010 - 9 am - 5 pm
Ramada Hotel
4900 Sinclair Road
Columbus OH 43229


Show Flyer


2010 Richmond Pipe Show
25th Annual CORPS Exposition & Celebration
1, 2, 3 October 2010 - Richmond, Virginia, the Tobacco Capital

Holiday Inn Select - Koger South Conference Center - 10800 Midlothian Tnpk,
Richmond, VA



2010 World Pipe Smoking Championship
October 9 - 10, 2010
The World Championship 2010 will take place in Estoril, Portugal, on the 9th and 10th October. Organized according to the rules of International Committee of Pipe Clubs (CIPC) and sponsored by Pipe Club of Portugal.



2010 West Coast Pipe Show
Nov. 6-7, 2010
Palace Station
Las Vegas, NV


Show Flyer

03 februarie 2010

Norman Rockwell 116 ani de la nastere.

Norman Percevel Rockwell (n. 3 februarie 1894 – d. 8 noiembrie 1978) a fost un celebru fumator de pipa, desenator, ilustrator şi pictor american. Lucrările sale s-au bucurat şi continuă să se bucure de o deosebită popularitate în Statele Unite ale Americii, unde Rockwell este cunoscut mai ales pentru ilustraţiile sale, devenite faimoase, pentru coperta revistei The Saturday Evening Post, la care a colaborat timp de peste patruzeci de ani.
Astazi ar fi implinit 116 ani.