19 mai 2009

Pipa Dunhill XXL

Pta vedea pipa de aproape 1000 USD click AICI

Length: 6.31 in./160.27 mm. Weight: 3.20 oz./90.72 g.
Bowl Height: 2.33 in./59.18 mm. Chamber Depth: 1.88 in./47.75 mm.
Chamber Diameter: 1.00 in./25.40 mm. Outside Diameter: 1.76 in./44.70 mm.
Stem Material: Vulcanite Filter: None
Shape: Billiard Finish: Smooth
Material: Briar Country: England

18 mai 2009

Joia aceasta

Daca acum 2 saptamani am discutat despre Barling si saptamana trecuta despre BBB, saptamana aceasta discutam despre Brebbia. Am pregatit materialul si asa cum v-am obisnuit am si fotografii din catalogul producatorului. Va astept joi la ora 18Ş00 la Kaptan Baba pe B-dul Tomis in fata Primariei.

15 mai 2009

Calendar Pipes Magazine

Pe site-ul Pipes Magzine (click AICI) gasiti notata in fiecare joi incepand cu ora 18:00 intalnirea noastra. Va asteptam.

Rolando is back

After an all-too-long hiatus that most unrepentant of iconoclasts, Rolando Negoita, is back with three fresh pipes and (where have you heard this one before?) not a single shape of execution is quite like anything that I have seen before. Tonight we ask you to feast your eyes on the first smooth rhodesian that we have received from the artist (incidentally, the first bent rhodesian as well), an interpretation so intuitive and incredible that it has me making chimp noises that can be heard down the hall. Next up we have a partially sandblasted piece that combines dublin and sconce in a delightfully uncanny manner and then we finish with a flourish: One of Rolando's signature Frogs that features an ornamental carving that takes my mind to the totems that I have seen in the US Northwest.

06 mai 2009

Program cultural maine seara.

Maine 7 Mai 2009, incepand cu ora 18:00 va astept la Kaptan Baba.
Vom incerca ceva inedit. Dupa cum am discutat acum ceva timp, ne-am dat seama ca suntem dornici sa invatam mai multe despre producatorii de pipe si despre istoria lor. Maine debutam cu BARLING si invatam despre perioadele pre-tranzitie, tranzitie si post-tranzitie, diferentele in calitatea pipelor, marcajele tipice fiecarei perioade si istoria familiei Barling care a inceput cu pipe de spuma demare. Va astept cu drag.