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31 mai 2007
Rezultatele concursului pe luna Mai
Stefan 46:08
Cristi 56:06
Dan 66:30
Costin 68:18
Oleg 74:39
Urmatorul concurs se va desfasura pe data de 7.07.2007, la Davia Brau, incepand cu ora 20:00
Succes tuturor.
Nu uitati de intalnirea din aceasta seara. Va asteptam.
30 mai 2007
28 mai 2007
Stiri din lumea vinului
07 mai 2007
\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>_vinvest.html\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>>>Vinurile medaliate la VINVEST 2007\u003cbr /\>La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, a avut loc la Timisoara cea de-a patra editie a Salonului International de Vinuri si Bauturi Alcoolice VINVEST 2007.\u003cbr /\>Scopul salonului este de a promova vinul romanesc de calitate si se adreseaza atat producatorilor autohtoni de vin cat si publicului larg. In cadrul targului, pe langa mult ravnitele vinuri, au mai putut fi gasite echipamente si tehnologii vitivinicole, produse chimice pentru viticultura si literatura de specialitate.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>_lista_medalii_vinvest_2007\u003cwbr /\>.html\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>***\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>STIRI\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>>> \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\> la Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2007\u003cbr /\>In perioada 31 aprilie - 2 mai 2007 a avut loc la Maastricht, Olanda, cea de-a XIV-a editie a Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, cea mai mare competitie internationala dedicata industriei vitivinicole. \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\> a fost prezent la eveniment prin redactorul sef Valentin Ceafalau, membru in juriul degustator al competitiei.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>>> Somelierul Sergiu Nedelea lanseaza "Wine & Taste"\u003cbr /\>Unul dintre cei mai activi somelieri din peisajul HoReCa din Romania, Sergiu Nedelea, a lansat proiectul personal Wine & Taste. \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>",1]
//-->>>Vinurile medaliate la VINVEST 2007La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, a avut loc la Timisoara cea de-a patra editie a Salonului International de Vinuri si Bauturi Alcoolice VINVEST 2007.Scopul salonului este de a promova vinul romanesc de calitate si se adreseaza atat producatorilor autohtoni de vin cat si publicului larg. In cadrul targului, pe langa mult ravnitele vinuri, au mai putut fi gasite echipamente si tehnologii vitivinicole, produse chimice pentru viticultura si literatura de specialitate.***STIRI>> la Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2007In perioada 31 aprilie - 2 mai 2007 a avut loc la Maastricht, Olanda, cea de-a XIV-a editie a Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, cea mai mare competitie internationala dedicata industriei vitivinicole. a fost prezent la eveniment prin redactorul sef Valentin Ceafalau, membru in juriul degustator al competitiei.>> Somelierul Sergiu Nedelea lanseaza "Wine & Taste"Unul dintre cei mai activi somelieri din peisajul HoReCa din Romania, Sergiu Nedelea, a lansat proiectul personal Wine & Taste.
este un site de prezentare dedicat vinului si bunului gust, scris "cu dragoste de vin si viata" de catre un impatimit si un bun cunoscator al fenomenului "restauratiei" din Romania.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>_aprilie2007.html\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>>> S-a redeschis terasa eXperience by Vinexpert\u003cbr /\>S-a redeschis terasa primului wine-bar din Romania, eXperience by Vinexpert. Sute de vinuri din toata lumea, initiere in degustare, samplinguri, surprize. Terasa este acoperita si situata intr-unul dintre cele mai spectaculoase locuri ale Bucurestiului vechi, Pasajul Maka-Villacrosse (vizavi de Politia Capitalei).\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>_aprilie2007.html\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>>> Vinurile lumii ajung la Bucuresti\u003cbr /\>In perioada 23-27 mai, va avea loc cea de-a patra editie a Concursului International de Vinuri de la Bucuresti. Evenimentul, organizat de catre Patronatul National al Viei si Vinului (PNVV), Asociatia Degustatorilor Autorizati din Romania si Oficiul National al Viei si Vinului, se va desfasura la Hotelul Crowne Plaza din Bucuresti, locatie aleasa de organizatori pentru atributele speciale detinute pentru organizarea si desfasurarea unei astfel de manifestari, conforme cu cerintele internationale.\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>_aprilie2007.html\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>______________________________\u003cwbr /\>____________________\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>PRIMITI ACEST NEWSLETTER DEOARECE SUNTETI ABONAT LA SERVICIUL DE STIRI \u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"http://www.Vinul.Ro\" target\u003d_blank\>www.Vinul.Ro\u003c/a\>.\u003cbr /\>ACEST E-MAIL NU ESTE SPAM. DACA NU MAI DORITI SA PRIMITI STIRILE REVISTEI Connaisseur, va invitam sa va dezabonati la adresa:\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003cwbr /\>.html\u003c/a\> sau raspunzand la acest e-mail si mentionand in titlul mesajului cuvantul "dezabonare".\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>Redactia Connaisseur\u003cbr /\>\u003ca onclick\u003d\"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)\" href\u003d\"\" target\u003d_blank\>\u003c/a\>\u003cbr /\>\u003cbr /\>\u003c/div\>",0]
//--> este un site de prezentare dedicat vinului si bunului gust, scris "cu dragoste de vin si viata" de catre un impatimit si un bun cunoscator al fenomenului "restauratiei" din Romania.>> S-a redeschis terasa eXperience by VinexpertS-a redeschis terasa primului wine-bar din Romania, eXperience by Vinexpert. Sute de vinuri din toata lumea, initiere in degustare, samplinguri, surprize. Terasa este acoperita si situata intr-unul dintre cele mai spectaculoase locuri ale Bucurestiului vechi, Pasajul Maka-Villacrosse (vizavi de Politia Capitalei).>> Vinurile lumii ajung la BucurestiIn perioada 23-27 mai, va avea loc cea de-a patra editie a Concursului International de Vinuri de la Bucuresti. Evenimentul, organizat de catre Patronatul National al Viei si Vinului (PNVV), Asociatia Degustatorilor Autorizati din Romania si Oficiul National al Viei si Vinului, se va desfasura la Hotelul Crowne Plaza din Bucuresti, locatie aleasa de organizatori pentru atributele speciale detinute pentru organizarea si desfasurarea unei astfel de manifestari, conforme cu cerintele internationale.
01 mai 2007
Many smokers of pipe tobacco believe that the use of flavours is a relatively recent phenomenon but in point of fact the first use of flavours in tobacco dates back several hundred years. Sailors were the first to come up with the idea of putting their tobacco inside barrels of rum. They did so as to preserve the moisture of the tobacco only to discover that the remnants of the rum flavour left in the barrel were absorbed by the tobacco. The tobacco taste was suddenly quite different. Since then, the process of flavouring has been refined but tradition nonetheless continues to play an important part in the flavouring process.
The flavour of pipe tobacco is far from a random science. A great deal of conscious thought and testing goes into every pipe tobacco we make. Broadly speaking, there are three factors that affect the flavour of pipe tobacco.
The first and most important factor is the natural aromatics of the tobacco. The selection of tobaccos also has a direct impact on the final flavour. The art is to select different tobaccos whose individual aromas complement one another and combine to give a balanced flavour. In simple terms, this means that the individual aromas are good on their own, but correctly blended they combine to produce a taste experience that exceeds that of each individual flavour.
The second consideration is to accentuate the natural aromatics and add nuances of taste. Exactly how this is achieved is described in the section “Casing – Enhancing the pipe tobacco taste”.
The third and final factor affecting the taste of a pipe tobacco is the correct flavour. It is during this phase that we are able to influence the taste and aroma of the finished pipe tobacco. When a pipe tobacco tastes of vanilla, for example, it is due to the flavour we have added. Naturally, it is not a question of simply adding vanilla to the tobacco so that we end up with a tobacco with a vanilla flavour. Our vanilla flavoured tobacco is an excellent example of just how complex it is to develop the right taste. If pure vanilla is used, the flavour will be too sweet; so sweet in fact that the enjoyment for the pipe tobacco smoker is lost and the aroma experienced by other people will give rise to negative comments.
In 1999, when we began to develop Mac Baren Vanilla Cream, we were very conscious of the fact that pure vanilla can prove overwhelming. Our task, therefore, was to adjust the flavour so that it fulfilled the desire of the pipe smoker for vanilla without becoming overly sweet. Using various fruit flavours, we were able to reduce the sweetness without negatively impacting on the natural taste of vanilla. It sounds simple when you use just a few lines to describe the process, but in actual fact this adjustment process comprised repeated testing over a period of several months. The difficulty of developing the right flavour can be compared to that of developing a perfume aroma. A combination of numerous flavour nuances have to be perfectly balanced before the taste is just right - and the right taste is only achieved when all the elements fit. Raw tobacco, casing and flavour – each on its own directly affects the final taste - and together they provide optimal enjoyment.
Once the right blend of flavours has been found, these are mixed with pure alcohol and we are now left with a flavour mix which can be added to the tobacco. The flavour mix is atomised and the tobacco is rotated through this “flavour mist”. We do not want the flavour to rest on the surface, however. We want it to be absorbed into the tobacco itself. The alcohol acts as a flavour carrier and ensures that it is absorbed by the tobacco. This process takes place during subsequent maturing and once it has performed its task, the alcohol completely evaporates. The tobacco now contains the three important elements that combine to make pipe tobacco smoking such a pleasurable experience.